One can examine the direct data for any day by going to the following web site and using the STEREO Image Search Tool. There one selects either an Ahead or Behind telescope; chooses a resolution (512x512 is reasonable); puts in a date range; and selects "Slideshow" to generate a javascript movie.


In the directories linked here are 24-hour running difference movies from both COR1-A and COR1-B. The three directories contain the same content, but in three different formats: MPEG; GIF, and MVI.

The movies show side-by-side, time-synchronized, running difference images from the two COR1 instruments. The science team has chosen to depict COR1-B in the left frame and COR1-A in the right frame in order to highlight the relative position of the spacecraft as seen from Earth.

The movies have been made using half-resolution images obtained at a 20 minute cadence. On some days images are obtained more frequently, but for consistency in a browse product, this cadence was selected as typical on most days. When data are not available, an "X" is displayed to show that the image is missing or that the time-step is stale.

The purpose of these Daily Browse Movies is to allow researchers with complementary datasets to quickly browse the COR1 data for events detected in common.

The full spatial and temporal resolution images are available to the public [link to our download data page]; however, we encourage researchers to contact a COR1 science team member to assist with analysis of these data. Separately, a Movie Gallery and Image Gallery contain interesting events detected in these telescopes.


MPEG and GIF players are routinely available for most computers. Typically the MPEG are more highly compressed than GIF.

The MVI format is native to Interactive Data Language a commercial software analysis tool used widely in the solar physics community as the SSW package.